Hair is protein. Rather each hair strand is a specific kind of protein – Keratin. The most common amino acids in Keratin are:
- Glutamic acid
- Threonine
- Aspartic acid
- Serine
- Proline
- Arginine
Eggs are also protein. The prominent amino acids in them are:
- Glutamic acid
- Aspartic acid
- Histidine
- Isoleucine
- Leucine
- Lycine
- Methionine
- Phenylalanine
- Tryptophan
- Valine
- Alanine
I put the common amino acids on purpose. The purpose is to put the importance of consuming eggs for better hair.
Eating one egg daily is enough to suffice the protein needs of an average human body. Though adding eggs to your hair care regime works well too.
Eggs are natural surfactants. They suspend superfluous particles to help remove them with a subsequent water rinse.
In the context of a hair wash, that is equivalent to using proteins to wash hair. Such a wash will not contain man-made surfactants such as Sulphates.
Along with proteins, eggs also contain oils. That is why people with cholesterol issues must eat eggs in moderation.
But when it comes to using eggs as hair wash masks, their oils are helpful. Egg oils provide suppleness to the hair shaft. Thus, problems of fly-away dry hair are a lot less after an egg wash.
Ingestion of food brings in the best absorption of nutrients. Though the concept of dermal absorption also exists. So, the topical application of eggs may lead to the absorption of some oils and nutrients in the body as well. Plus, the use of eggs does not strip off the hair of its natural oils. Thus, the hair feels full, cleaner and nourished.
That brings to the topic of making
Egg Hair Masks for Dry Damaged Hair
Hair damage is synonymous with cuticle damage. The cuticle damage further leads to dry and unmanageable hair. Prolonged damage further leads to split ends and hair fall.
To break this negative cycle of damage, eggs play a helpful role. Eating them builds up the protein in the body. The proteins further help form the hair.
Using eggs in topical hair care routine leads to clean hair minus further damage.
But the use of eggs comes with a mess. The eggs reek, thereby ruining the experience of using them for personal hygiene.
I too refrained from using them on my hair. In fact, I use to cry when my mother used it on me and my sister’s hair when we were kids.
With time, I figured out hacks to embrace eggs in my hair care regime without their associated mess.
I employ them in easy to manage forms so that I can use them more often.
Read further to know how.
3 Simple Egg Hair Masks for Dry Damaged Hair
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1. Mayonnaise
This is one of the most popular hair treatment for dry hair. But do not reach your grocery store to buy a bottle of mayonnaise. That is a processed one and I do not trust its authenticity.
It is better to whip up mayonnaise yourself. With an electric beater, it takes a few minutes to form. But a manual beater may cost you an hour of your time.
You have to whip an entire egg in a beater until it becomes super thick. In fact, it becomes so thick that it does not drip even when upturned.
To that, you can add 1 tbsp of thick oil. Castor is my favorite. But feel free to add either of olive/ mustard/sesame/grapeseed as well.
The thick mass of beaten egg does not emit an odor. You can use that as a hair mask or even as a shampoo.
I do the latter. I let this mask stay on my hair for five minutes in the shower and then I wash it off with plain water.
2. Egg Oil and Fuller’s Earth Mask
I tried this hair mask a few weeks back. I use clays to wash my hair in summers. But in recent times, I began mixing them with egg oil.
Clays are an excellent cleaning agent. Be it the Bentonite, Fuller’s, Rhassoul or the Kaolin. They are gentle and do not leave a build up trail behind.
I use them during hot summers when I sweat a lot. Since the clays absorb oils and sweat, they are good. But their same characteristic becomes an issue during cold winters.
Addition of carrier oil is an option, but then that defeats the purpose of removing oils from the hair.
But with the addition of egg oil, this problem also resolves. Egg oil has properties of egg, thus it does not clog up on scalp and hair. The egg oil rather combines with clay and washes off with water.
To prepare the egg oil-clay mask, add about 30 g of clay with 5 ml of egg oil. Mix both the ingredients together to a thick paste. Then, add enough water to bring it to a quantity and consistency that seems good to you.
You can also replace water with a tea brew for better results. This mask soaks up excess oil while nourishing the hair strands with the egg-oil nutrients.
It washes off well with a plain water rinse giving you the best no lather shampoo experience.
3. Egg Oil and Hibiscus
This one is a homemade hair mask for growth and repair. It combines the goodness of hibiscus along with egg oil benefits.
Hibiscus flowers and leaves are well known for hair care. I mention them in a lot of my hair care articles.
The flowers also lather up in the presence of water, thereby working as a no poo shampoo. Whereas the leaves have a glue-like consistency. This helps in creating no-drip hair masks.
My latest hibiscus hair care recipe involves combining them with egg oil. I grind hibiscus flowers and leaves together. About 5-6 each of the flowers and leaves are enough for my waist length hair.
To the paste of hibiscus, I add about 5 ml of egg oil. The resultant paste comes out thick and non-messy.
I let it stay on my hair for about 15 minutes before I rinse it off with water.
- Do not keep the mayonnaise egg mask for more than 15 minutes. Else the longer duration will dry the eggs and then it will be cumbersome to wash them off.
- Do not use hot water to wash off any of the egg masks. Eggs are heat sensitive, hence end up coagulating at high temperature. Room temperature water is best for rinsing away the egg masks.
- You do not need to use a traditional shampoo to wash these egg masks. A water rinse is enough to get them off your body. But you can use an apple cider vinegar + essential oils rinse to mask off any leftover odor.
1. Egg Oil
This is one of the best hair treatment products that contain the goodness of egg minus the associated mess. It does not stink and is best suited for people who do not like eggs.
2. Clay
I find bentonite clay the best. But feel free to use fuller’s earth, rhassoul, and kaolin as well.
3. Blender
I cannot go about making my DIY skin care products without an electric blender. The above option is a greener substitute for doing the same job without electricity.
4. Hibiscus flower and leaves
5. Essential Oils
To ward off the egg’s nasty smell, I find peppermint and lavender essential oils beneficial. Plus, both of them are nourishing to the hair as well.
In Conclusion
Eggs are useful for building up mass in the body. The amino acids in them help create the muscles. The more the consumption of quality proteins, the better is the body mass buildup.
The same philosophy holds true for the hair. Thus, it makes sense to use eggs for consumption as well as for topical hair care.
Since a lack of keratin leads to the loss of cuticle layers. Therefore, an external application of proteins can align the outermost hair shafts.
Also due to the natural surfactants in eggs, they end up cleaning the hair as well.
This article explores 3 simple egg hair masks for dry damaged hair. They provide the benefits of eggs minus the mess. You can incorporate them into your hair care regimen with ease. Within a few consistent applications, you will notice better hair and scalp health.
Image Source: Pixabay
Giving the split end treatment a try!! I added about half a mushed banana to the mix also, potassium is supposed to be good for your hair. Wish me luck!!
Hi Elena, I wish you all the luck. But be careful of NOT using hot water to wash the hair. Else the eggs and banana will stick to the hair and take ages to come out.